DUI Lose on MP Mandate in 6th Voting District in Favour of VLEN

The revote for the parliamentary election that took place on Wednesday at seven polling stations, resulted with DUI losing one MP seat in favour of VLEN, which means that now DUI has won 18 seats in the Parliament, while VLEN has won 14.

The decisive votes were cast at the polling station number 2101 at the village of Larce in the Municipality of Zelino, in the 6th voting district, where VLEN won majority of the votes, and when these results are added to the general results of the 6th voting district, the division of mandates between DUI and VLEN is now 8:8, while before the revote it was 9:7 in favour of DUI, while VMRO-DPMNE won 3 mandates, and SDSM and Levica won 1 mandate each. The revote at the six other polling stations, all located in the 5th voting district, made no changes to the final outcome of the mandate distribution from this district, where the distribution is 10 mandates for VMRO-DPMNE, 4 for DUI, 3 for SDSM, 1 for VLEN, 1 for Levica and 1 for ZNAM.

According to the data published by the State Electoral Commission (SEC), the turnout at the seven polling stations by 06:30 pm was 55.13%, with 2,487 out of the 4,514 registered voters at these polling stations casting their votes.

SEC also informed that, in accordance with the Electoral Code, the parties can file complaints about the voting process or the results by Friday 24 May by 07:00 pm. From VLEN they welcomed the new result.