On Tuesday, Afrona Vervizolli started her term as General IPA Auditor. She had been appointed to the position on 31 July by the Government even though she is a banker, with no experience in auditing and with no certificates.
According to Telma, Vervizolli started her term even before the publishing of the appointment in the Official Gazette. It hadn’t even been made public after the Government’s 31 July session.
Since Telma’s report dated 31 July, EU representatives in Skopje have expressed interest in the appointment because the auditing process concerns effective and earmarked spending of money North Macedonia gets from IPA funds.
The EU Delegation has said in an answer to the TV station that it has particularly followed the appointment of the General IPA Auditor, reiterating also that all new officials should meet all criteria and be appointed legally.
“It’s important for all appointments to be made by fully complying with relevant criteria and experience, prescribed in the appropriate laws and regulations. The EU will check all cases, especially this appointment, which concerns oversight over implementation of financial funds from the EU,” the Delegation’s answer reads.