On Tuesday, ex-Health Minister Venko Filipce was quizzed by MPs who are part of the Oncology Clinic Committee of Inquiry. As he said, he wasn’t aware of the CATO system, which has for years not been used at the Clinic.
Regarding the Clinic’s former head, Nino Vasev, Filipce described him as a top professional. However, he called on institutions to look into all suspicions about his work.
The head of the Committee, VMRO-DPMNE MP Rashela Mizrahi presented a stand that the health system is dysfunctional and that Filipce played a part in that. The current Minister, Fatmir Mexhiti, too, was part of the session. He said the CATO system would be put into use.
“There are already financial analyses about that,” he stated. Previously, the Committee on Finance and Budget had considered the Audit Office’s Report and adopted multiple conclusions.