Gjorgjievski: Law-Changes Limiting Mayors’ Power Necessary

Kisela Voda Mayor and President of the Union of Units of Local-Self Government (ZELS) Orce Gjorgjievski said in an interview for Radio Free Europe that law-changes that will limit the power and authorisations of mayors need to be introduced.

“At the moment, we are witnessing a situation in the City of Skopje, where the mayor keeps the institutions of the entire city hostages, and it is a matter of time before this problem outflows in the other municipalities.

The current Law on Local Self-Government offers too great protection of mayors, which is why ZELS and I pledge for law-changes which will introduce a mechanism which will allow for the mayor of a municipality to be changed in specific situations,” Gjorgjievski said.

Mayors of some of the municipalities in Skopje clash with City of Skopje Mayor Danela Arsovska, pointing her as responsible for the issues with the working of some of the public enterprises in the city, especially JSP Skopje for the public transport and Communal Hygiene over the cleanliness and the waste management.