988 employees of all inspectorates in the country still haven’t received the November salary. Lulzim Farizi, Vice-President of the State Labour Inspectorate’s Trade Union, said on Thursday that was a result of the non-transformation of their contracts after the abolition of the Inspection Council and inspectors had become part of compositions of ministries.
However, he added that a PM Hristijan Mickoski adviser had provided assurances that there would have been by Friday (17 January) an answer when it came to how to solve, as soon as possible, the status of employees at inspection services so that they received their pay sooner and got a transformation of their employment.
He made those comments after the meeting between the Independent Trade Union of State Administration and a representative of the Government, at which the former had presented its remarks about the new legislation concerning state servants.
Also on Thursday, during the protests over the 30% salary supplement issue, the Government called for dialogue in order for a solution to be found. However, Trade Union of Workers in Administration, Judicial Bodies, and Associations of Citizens President Trpe Deanoski said if the cabinet had wanted dialogue, the two sides would already be at the negotiating table.