On Monday, lawyer Vlatko Ilievski, after the Criminal Court had acquitted his client and wife, Gordana Jankuloska, in the Target-Fortress case, said the institution had accepted the defence’s stand that there had been neither intention nor premeditation on the ex-Interior Minister’s part to cause damage to the country.
The defense expects the Court of Appeals to affirm the ruling. Ilievski hopes that it will be determined, if not in a criminal procedure, then in civil proceedings, who carried out the wiretapping activities.
His hope is also that Jankuloska, as he said, as one of the biggest victims in the wiretapping issue, will receive compensation for non-material damage.
“She had no information that there would be destruction of the wiretapping equipment because when the report that the equipment had been destroyed was sent, she was no longer the Minister. The report was sent on 8 May, while the very next working day, she was no longer the Minister. She had formed a Commission with a general name which needed to take inventory.
It wasn’t absolutely referred to what type of equipment would be inventorised, nor that something needed to be destroyed. It concerned equipment in the frames of the entire Security and Counterintelligence Administration”, Ilievski stated, adding that Jankuloska would seek compensation in civil proceedings.