On Monday, PM Hristijan Mickoski said there would be a fierce fight for the judiciary to become professional.
Asked about the finding of the State Commission for Prevention of Corruption (SCPC) that the nomination of people from the Judicial Council and Council of Public Prosecutors also as members of the Academy for Judges and Prosecutors’ Managing Board is illegal, he pointed the finger at “installations” from the previous cabinet, saying they worked for personal interests instead of on the judiciary being efficient.
According to the PM, since the start of the new government’s term, there have often been cases in which some prosecutors complained of headache, abdominal pain, and fever precisely at times “when resolute action should be taken against criminals that symbolised the previous, seven-year rule”.
“Those installations are tough. There are a few. There aren’t a lot of those in the judiciary that are blind obeyers of SDSM and DUI. I can say that we will win in the end,” Mickoski underlined.
According to SDSM, Mickoski has no credibility to talk about the judiciary because he wants to particize the sector, considering the ruling majority’s decision to vote through, in the frames of the Committee on Election and Appointment Issues, Adrian Demiri in the race for Council of Public Prosecutors membership.