New Reactions to Mickoski’s Comments on DUI’s Alleged Destabilisation Plan

Regarding PM Hristijan Mickoski’s comments on Monday that he had information that DUI would take steps to destabilise the country, VLEN MP Bekim Sali said the following day the coalition didn’t have information about an alleged destabilisation plan of Ali Ahmeti’s party.

Asked whether the coalition would ask for that information from Mickoski, he said if the PM had such information, he needed to submit it to the Prosecutor’s Office.

VLEN, however, believes that DUI’s idea is to make ethnic Albanians “hostages” in order to avoid judicial lability for its rule.

Also on Tuesday, at a press-conference, VMRO-DPMNE MP Brane Petrusevski said he was calling on SDSM and DUI to say what the destabilisation plan and goal was.