PM Hristijan Mickoski doesn’t see a reason for a leaders’ meeting to be held over the Albanian Flag Day incidents, when the Interior Ministry, as he said on Thursday, did a good job.
“I am not closing the door on the issue, but it would be productive to discuss the future steps of the country and how the opposition would help,” he stressed.
According to the PM, there are “extremes” in society that aspire to pull the country back in the “political swamp”.
“I am glad that part of the parties, despite being in opposition, are aware of this and that we will not allow these extremes to drag us into that political swamp. I think citizens are slowly isolating all those in favour of insecurity, instability, conflicts. They must be rejected and isolated. DUI, which once presented itself as a greener party, is in that role today. Today, we’re seeing that it is the main generator of instability, insecurity, and conflicts, and trying to generate conflicts in Macedonia,” he stressed.