During the marking of the 30th birthday of St Nikola (St Nicholas) Macedonian Orthodox Church-Ohrid Archbishopric, located in New Jersey, PM Hristijan Mickoski said that the government’s fight for better infrastructure, healthcare, education, and economy would continue.
“However, that fight for the Macedonian people, I’m afraid, is not enough. We will need to be winning also here, in Washington, in New York, in Brussels, in Berlin, in London, in Paris, in Rome, and in other world metropolises if we want the Macedonian question to finally get an outcome of its because it’s still unresolved”, he noted.
In that regard, the PM added that that was why it was important to strengthen the fatherland’s relations with its expatriates.
“We mustn’t allow our diaspora to be disappointed because Macedonian political elites fail to foster and maintain that relation”, Mickoski underlined.
According to him, more Macedonian kids being born, whether in the country or abroad, is the strongest confirmation of the Macedonian identity.
“I want to send a message that we, as the Government, will do everything we can and that we do everything we can and even more to restore part of that lost time and part of that lost dignity so that you can say again that Macedonia is yours and you will be proud Macedonians against”, the PM also said.
Mickoski stressed that he was adamant that despite all challenges domestically and despite all “predators” that don’t want the country to be successful, the government and current generation would confirm the Ilinden ideals.