On Tuesday, PM Hristijan Mickoski and European Affairs Minister Orhan Murtezani presented the Draft-Reform Agenda for the 2024-2027 period.
It’s founded on four pillars, that is, strengthening EU integration, regional economic integration and cooperation with neighbours, speeding up fundamental reforms, and increasing financial assistance for reforms.
“According to the formula, we should get 750,4 million euros for the 2024-2027 period. The Reform Agenda for the 2024-2027 period should be adopted by the European Commission, which will open up the possibility of signing an agreement on the reforms and growth mechanism, and a loan agreement.
Once the agreements are ratified, a request to withdraw the first tranche, amounting to 7% of the allocation of funds, that is, around 52,5 million euros, will be filed,” PM Mickoski.
The Agenda will cover priority areas such as public administration reform, energy transition, cybersecurity, digitalisation, human capital development, and improvement of the business surrounding.