PM Mickoski Describes SDSM’s Stance on Hungarian Loan as ‘Strange’

PM Hristijan Mickoski has criticized SDSM over the question by MP Fatmir Bytyqi on Tuesday as to whether the 500-million-euro loan from Hungary was actually money from China.

“Only the Macedonian opposition can find, in a strange way that is unclear to all, the origin of this loan’s funds. That’s like pouring water from three bottles into one glass and saying, ‘The first third is from this bottle, the second third is from this one, the third is from this one.’ I’m seeing some strange logics on the political scene by the Macedonian opposition,” he stated on Wednesday.

The PM, as an additional argument, pointed to the accusations against Hungarian PM Viktor Orban that he takes out more expensive loans for his country and gives cheaper ones to North Macedonia.