Reactions to Dauti to No-Confidence Motion Issue Continue

Commenting on the successful no-confidence motion against her over the Defenders Draft-Law, the Chair of the Social Policy Committee, European Front MP Ilire Dauti, said on Monday that based on the conclusion, it meant either a dismissal of hers or her acting under a Levica and VMRO-DPMNE diktat.

“Faced with the choice between losing the position of Committee Chair and acting under a diktat, according to the conditions set by Levica and proposed as a Conclusion by Speaker Afrim Gashi, I have no doubts that I will accept the freedom of action as MP, as I have done so far, freely and independently. Every citizen should be that way, regardless of our differences”, she pointed out.

However, Dauti didn’t specify whether her stand meant that she would resign as head of the legislative house’s body. Also on Monday, Gashi’s Cabinet again said a successful no-confidence motion didn’t result in legally binding consequences for dismissal, nor was there legal effect.

SDSM said it was revolted because Gashi hadn’t scheduled the session over the Defenders Draft-Law, ex officio, since that was provided for in the Rules of Procedure.

“Precisely because of this, the Speaker could face a no-confidence motion”, the opposition party, which hadn’t participated in the motions session on Friday, pointed out.

According to Kanal 5, Gashi’s using the loose end in the Rules of Procedure, where it is not explicitly said whether a committee chair against whom there’s been a successful motion has to be dismissed, which is why, now, the only two options are either Dauti resigning or the Speaker proposing that she be dismissed.

Levica, the party that had filed the motion against Dauti, stated that the ball was now in the majority’s court.

“We are thinking about a series of steps we will take for the process to reach the point where it should end, that is, us ultimately getting a new head of the Committee”, Dimitar Apasiev’s party pointed out.

VMRO-DPMNE MP Gjorgjija Sajkoski said the body chaired by him, the Committee on Election and Appointment Issues, couldn’t take action if there was no notification from Gashi or a dismissal proposal.

VMRO-DPMNE MP Mile Lefkov said the fact that his party had voted in favour of the motion clearly showed its stand on Dauti.