Reactions to Law on Languages Issue Continue

A final decision by the Constitutional Court on the challenged articles of the Law on Languages is preceded by a procedure that may take months and years, according to PM Hristijan Mickoski.

As he said on Tuesday, his view is that DUI, during whose term as the ruling party the Judges were elected, wants to create the impression among the public that a decision will not be made on Wednesday (11 December) thanks to its political pressure.

“Sure enough, only political rodents do that. They come out and say, ‘There, all of this has been postponed thanks to our pressure’”, the PM noted.

Also on Tuesday, regarding the comments by the party’s leader, Ali Ahmeti, on the matter, President Gordana Siljanovska Davkova said they were party and political ones. In that regard, she called on politicians to respect the Court’s decisions and not to interfere in its work. Levica, which is one of the initiators challenging the Law’s constitutionality primarily, due to, according to the party, a violation of the procedure during its adoption, doubts the Court will make a decision because VMRO-DPMNE and DUI want a status quo when it came to the official use of two languages.

DUI has continued its presence outside the Court and maintained its stand that its peaceful protest aims to prevent a change of the Law.