Reactions to Questionnaire Approved by Education Development Bureau

What do you think caused your heterosexuality? And is it possible that it’s just a stage you will overcome? But if heterosexuality is normal, why do so many heterosexuals are then persons with mental disorders? Those are just part of the questions secondary schools need to answer in the questionnaire as part of the curriculum for Education for Life Skills.

In the questionnaire, approved by the Education Development Bureau in 2011, it is claimed that the majority of persons who molest children are heterosexuals, while man-woman relationships and marriages are described as unstable and often see adultery and result in divorce. It’s even claimed that heterosexuals are promiscuous.

The Bureau said on Thursday that it was about a manual for teachers, as part of the curriculum that was not mandatory, adding that it had been prepared a decade ago. Also, it called on citizens and parents to be very cautious over and check all information being shared regarding the education of young people.

In response, VMRO-DPMNE Education Committee President Vesna Janevska urged accountability of the Education and Science Ministry.