The Government has made public the names of PM Hristijan Micoski’s 17 Advisers. Among them are former Parliament Speaker Trajko Veljanoski, who was recently amnestied in the 27 April Organisers case, ex-Finance Minister Zoran Stavreski, and former Deputy PM Vladimir Pesevski, who was among the defendants in the Trajectory case concerning the so-called Chinese (Sinohydro) motorways case.
However, the legal process against him stopped as a result of the 2023 Criminal Code changes. Professor and ex-MP Aleksandar Spasovski is the PM’s European Affairs Adviser, while ex-ambassador Saso Markovski advises Mickoski on foreign policy.
Markovski is also the Special Representative in the Process of Negotiations with the EU. Among the other Advisers are Germany’s Johannes Heidecker.