At the start of February, VMRO-DPMNE will start its procedure for internal polls on potential mayoral candidates for the local elections.
“We will successfully complete it”, the party’s leader, PM Hristijan Mickoski, said on Saturday. As he added, currently he cannot reveal some names.
“As the head of the party and its Executive Committee, we reserve the right to nominate persons we think should be part of this polling process that are not part of the list submitted to municipal committees”, Mickoski also said.
Previously, in an interview with Kanal 5, VLEN co-leader Izet Mexhiti said his coalition and VMRO-DPMNE planned to jointly participate in the elections.
As he explained, though there will be separate lists of candidates for council seats, the two sides will support each other’s mayoral candidates in the first or second election round, depending on the deal they will make.