On the second day of his visit to Brussels, Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani held a meeting with Oliver Varhelyi. The EU Enlargement Commissioner said the regular enlargement package and annual reports on Western Balkan countries would soon be presented. Varhelyi announced also that the Union would allocate a significant amount of non-refundable financial assistance and loans for big infrastructure projects for the Western Balkans. Osmani also held a meeting with Bulgarian MEP Andrey Kovatchev, who has presented a series of strict stands on the Macedonian language and history. The Minister said he expected the eastern neighbour to be a supporter of Skopje’s EU path in the future as well. Macedonia’s integration road was among the topics Osmani discussed at his meetings MEPs Ilhan Kyuchyuk and Andreas Schieder. The previous day, in an interview with Kanal 5 TV, PM Zoran Zaev had said Bulgaria, according to the treaty with its neighbour, has an obligation not to block, but rather to support actively the Skopje’s integration path.