The spokespeople of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia, Dusko Arsovski and Muamed Hoxha, at Wednesday’s regular press conference informed about the conclusions and decisions made at the last 108th session of the Government and answered questions of public interest. At the press conference, they announced the latest data related to the Census, and according to the State Statistical Office, until Tuesday night, 1,768,710 citizens, 548,694 households and 795,494 apartments were registered. Regarding the diaspora, 201,247 registered themselves until Wednesday morning. When asked by a journalist whether additional time will be needed for the census, they pointed out that this was not discussed at the latest government session and that all capacities are aimed at completing the operation within the legal deadline, i.e. by Wednesday evening. “Certainly the State Statistical Office will have the last word. What is the information from there is that less than two days before the end of the field census throughout the country, final checks are made for possible missed citizens and the census circles are already closing in Skopje where there is the highest concentration of population and all available enumeration facilities are in the field and visit households that have not been visited before. This activity will be carried out until the very end of the census, Thursday until 20:00,” the spokesperson pointed out.