On Monday, VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski, commenting on the fact that Parliament’s dissolution didn’t happen that day, said he no longer saw a reason for opposition MPs to participate in the legislative home’s work. According to information from legislative home, the proposal filed by VMRO-DPMNE will most likely be rejected as unconstitutional because it contains the previous constitutional name of the country instead of the one resulting from the Prespa deal. Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi told Kanal 5 TV he would be put at the session for dissolution on the agenda the decision personally fled by him, which, for now, doesn’t include a date. He didn’t rule out the possibility of scheduling a continuation on the session for Tuesday for a vote on the Public Prosecutor’s Office Draft Law. “I’m waiting to get notifications from the Committees so that we coordinate with groups in Parliament about the agenda, after which I will schedule a session likely for tomorrow,” Xhaferi said. According to Mickoski, his party will hold a session of the Executive Committee at which a decision will be made on its MPs’ future actions. The possibility of leaving Parliament isn’t being ruled out. VMRO-DPMNE urged Xhaferi to put his proposal for dissolution on the agenda.