The Parliament endorsed late Friday the decision to initiate constitutional revision arising from the Prespa Agreement by the required two-third majority. Eighty out of 120 MPs voted in favor of the decision. Afterwards, VMRO-DPMNE MP group coordinator Dragan Danev asked for an individual vote, which concluded with the same result – 80 MPs saying ‘Yes’ and 39 ‘No’. Among those who voted are the three VMRO-DPMNE MPs who were released from house arrest. The Skopje-based Appellate Court freed MP Krsto Mukoski on bail regarding the April 27 events in Parliament on Friday. MPs Saso Vasilevski and Ljuben Arnaudov were also released from house arrest earlier in the week. The session started after 09:00 p.m. after it was previously interrupted. In conclusion, the Parliament obligated the Government to prepare the draft-amendments to the Constitution and submit them to the Parliament within 15 days. The decision is to be released in the Official Gazette with immediate effect.