Caretaker PM Oliver Spasovski will not dismiss caretaker Labour and Social Policy Minister Rashela Mizrahi. On Sunday, Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov said his Ministry had received a note of protest from Greece Mizrahi was holding press-conferences outside a sign on which the previous constitutional name of the country was used. According to Macedonia’s Government, what’s most important at the moment is for the caretaker Minister to realise the harm to Macedonia’s future if the Constitution is not respected and for Mizrahi to change her conduct. “All ministers should conduct themselves professionally, respect the Constitution, and work for a better future of the country,” the Government said on Sunday, adding it expected a quick change in that regard. The issue will once again be addressed if Mizrahi continues her current conduct. According to SDSM, Mizrahi is following the orders of former PM Nikola Gruevski and VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski. On the other hand, according to Mizrahi, a sign with the new constitutional name doesn’t exist in the Ministry. During Mila Carovska’s term as Labour and Social Policy Minister, she would add a banner containing the new constitutional name. Spasovski will summon Mizrahi for a conversation. “I want us to talk. I want to observe all facts. I believe that if party interests, not state interests, national interests, and interests about achieving our strategic goals, NATO and EU membership, come first for any minister, we will surely take other measures, too,” he said. Ex-Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias, too, has reacted. He says in tweet posted on Sunday that the Government must report her to the UN for a severe violation of the Prespa deal and international law. According to Kotzias, it should also request the EU right away to issue a ban on entry to all Member States.