Kumanovo mayoral candidate Maksim Dimitrievski, who is trying to secure a second term, has complained that he was being followed by an Interior Ministry vehicle and that police afterwards stopped him and took away his documents. According to the press-release issued by his Election HQ on Tuesday, the police, with the blue lights on, took him to a technical examination procedure even though, as he claims, the vehicle is new and he has proper power of attorney to drive it. Police told Sloboden Pecat that it was about regular control of vehicles, adding that the reason was the tinted windows of the car. Previously, the institution had said the Internal Control and Professional Standards Department had been involved in order for the case to be fully resolved. Dimitrovski confirmed the vehicle’s tinted windows were the problem because that is allowed only for official vehicles. “This is a private vehicle, but a leased one,” he stated, adding that the vehicle registration certificate included attestation for the windows. In his view, the background of the case is pressure being exerted by Interior Minister Oliver Spasovski because he is an independent candidate. His opponent in the second round is SDSM’s Oliver Ilievski.