VMRO-DPMNE and Coalition Demand Extraordinary Session of Skopje Council

Advisory group of VMRO-DPMNE and the coalition request an extraordinary session of the Council of the City of Skopje to transfer funds to JSP and private carriers. “Obviously, the SDS and DUI authorities have sunk into Danela Arsovska’s skimming. Skopje can be left without public transportation from a lot of common transportation. This is how it looks when the coalition Arsovska, SDS, DUI cohabit on Skopje. The advisory group of VMRO-DPMNE will not allow the incompetent and irresponsible behaviour of the government, the city of Skopje, the mayor and the management of JSP to leave citizens, students, pensioners without public transport and as an advisory group we demand an urgent extraordinary session,” stated from the Advisory group of VMRO-DPMNE and the coalition in the Council of the City of Skopje.