Ex-Fifth Administration Head Grujevski Arrested and Released in Zagreb

Goran Grujevski, former head of the Interior Ministry’s Fifth Administration, was arrested on Saturday in Zagreb on the basis of an international warrant issued by North Macedonia’s authorities.

However, he was released the following day. Croatia’s Interior Ministry and INTERPOL submitted the information to North Macedonia’s Interior Ministry about Grujevski’s release on Sunday morning.

According to Telma sources, the decision to release him is a result of the fact that Grujevski’s asylum bid was approved by Greece. Grujevski and his co-worker, Nikola Boskovski, fled to Greece from North Macedonia in June 2017, after they’d been charged in the Target-Fortress case, which concerns the wire-tapping scandal.

They were arrested on 18 October of the same year at the airport in Thessaloniki with fake Bulgarian passports.