Jewish Community Confirms Checks Show Naama Levy is of Macedonian Descent

Regarding the case of Naama Levy, the 19-year-old Israeli who’s being held hostage by Hamas, the Jewish community in North Macedonia has confirmed the checks show she is of Macedonian descent.

“Her ancestors had been born prior to 1919. However, we have found that her grandmother’s father, Chaim Bivas, was a member of the Jewish community and, in 1925, left Macedonia for Pristina. That proves the girl is truly of Macedonian descent,” Pepo Levi, head of the Jewish community, said on Thursday.

Her parents are not losing hope that their daughter is alive. Her mother, Ayelet Levy Shachar, said IDF representatives told them at 6 am on Sunday morning that the daughter had been kidnapped. Prior to the kidnapping, Levy had just begun military service.