Parliament Passes Electoral Code Changes

On Thursday, with 84 votes in favour and two abstentions, Parliament passed the Electoral Code changes. Ruling majority and opposition parliamentarians found common ground to enable over 100,000 citizens without documents containing the new constitutional name to be able to vote in the elections.

According to the provisional transition, all adults with an ID or passport whose validity has expired or will expire in the nine-month period before the elections can vote. Article 38 of the changes says that the provision will apply only to this year’s elections.

Another significant change is that persons who will have turned 18 by the period from 24 April to 8 May will be able to vote too. Previously, that covered only persons that will have turned 18 by the first round of the presidential elections.

Through the changes, the OSCE/ODIHR recommendations noted in reports on elections in the country over the past years are being implemented.