Macedonia marked Monday the Roma Holocaust Memorial Day – 2 August, which remembers the murders of hundreds of thousands of Roma by the Nazis and their allies during World War II. “The exact number of killed Roma is not known, because there are no data. As today, many of them did not have personal identification and were often counted only as dead bodies without a confirmed identity. By the end of the war, it is considered that the size of the Roma population has been reduced to only 20-30 percent of pre-war population,” Minister without Portfolio Aksel Ahmedovski in charge of the implementation of the National Strategy of the Roma 2014-2020 said addressing the commemoration, adding that the EU and the institutions should take serious actions against acts of racial intolerance. “The road to Auschwitz is made of hatred, paved with indifference; lack of empathy and solidarity from other people help the Nazis at that time. And today the divisions between us are even deeper,” said Silhan Saitov, project manager of NGO Romaversitas Macedonia.