Democratic Movement again Accuses DUI of Wanting to Bring Back Gruevski

Democratic Movement has alleged that two portals are carrying out a campaign against Supreme Court President Besa Ademi.

As Arber Kadriu said at a press-conference on Friday, that is so because of her opposition to adopt a principled legal opinion to revive ex-President Gjorge Ivanov’s pardons, while the goal is for DUI to bring back ex-PM Nikola Gruevski.

“ and are these days carrying out a shameful negative campaign,” Kadriu pointed out. According to Izet Mexhiti’s party, DUI wants to bring back Gruevski at all costs not for EU-related reasons, but because of narrow- party interests that go against “our international partners, the US and the EU”.

The seat of the two portals is in the building of the Political System and Inter-Community Relations, headed by DUI’s Artan Grubi, who’s also the First Deputy PM, Kadriu noted.