Bulgaria Vetoes EU Negotiation Framework for Macedonia’s Accession

Bulgaria officially did not support the adoption of the EU negotiation framework for accession of Macedonia. “In the current phase, Bulgaria cannot support the adoption of the negotiation framework for North Macedonia and the organisation of the first inter-governmental conference between Skopje and Brussels, because the framework as it is now does not reflect the Bulgarian demands,” Bulgarian FM Zaharieva said. The subject of enlargement was put on the daily order for discussion at the meeting by German Minister for Europe Michael Roth, on behalf of the German presidency with the EU. “The process of EU enlargement should not be a hostage of bilateral demands and disputes of certain member-states. I hope that all member-states will agree with the goal for enlargement and that they will work on its realisation, for it is the basic interest of the EU. We hope bilateral disputes will be resolved soon, and in the coming days we will try to send a signal of support and encouragement to the Western Balkans” Roth said.