The Vice-PM and Defence Minister Radmila Sekerinska attends in Brussels the meeting of Defence Ministers of the member-states of NATO. At the sidelines of the meeting, Sekerinska met with her counterparts from several countries: Elisabetta Trenta from Italy, Margarita Robles Fernandez from Spain, Ank Bijleveld from the Netherlands, Frank Bakke-Jensen from Norway and Mariusz Błaszczak from Poland. At these meetings, Sekerinska spoke about the cooperation between Macedonia and these countries, and expressed hope that those of them yet to ratify the NATO Protocol for Accession of Macedonia will do so as soon as possible. Later on Thursday, in an interview for the Macedonian informative Agency (MIA) Sekerinska said that all NATO member-states would ratify the Protocol in the following three months. “We possess the X-factor, and we have to be careful, because there are always possibilities for administrative procedures, or snap elections, that may delay the ratification of the Protocol. We should not leave room for any dilemmas. In this context, I hope Turkey will ratify the Protocol once the local election there ends,” Sekerinska said.