At Friday’s session for parliamentary questions, PM Zoran Zaev said an investigation had been opened over the allegations of racketeering, blackmails and money for the so-called Koki and Kiki, pseudonyms for an owner of a TV station and a politician from the Government. Answering a question asked by VMRO-DPMNE’s Antonio Milososki, the PM added that the target of the two persons was Bitola Mayor Natasa Petrovska, who’d been asked for a permit to construct a nursing home. Koki and Kiki are made-up names for actual people, published by journalist Branko Geroski. Zaev’s team was once again a topic at the session. The Special Adviser for France, Ljupco Zafirovski, lives in Skopje, but he’s paid like he lives in Paris, Milososki stated. On the other hand, Zaev stated that Zafirovski frequently travelled to France for meetings with authorities in that country. Regarding the reshuffle issue, Zaev said he would serve as Acting Finance Minister until the formation of a technical government 100 days before the new elections, adding that he didn’t intend to be part of that government. The session also saw accusations over other issues, including the police operation in Ljuboten.