The opposition, if given the opportunity, may as well suggest former PM Nikola Gruevski as the new Head of the Special Public Prosecution (SPO), said PM Zoran Zaev in the Parliament answering a question of the MP Muhamed Zekiri. At the session for MP questions, Zekiri asked Zaev will the new head of the reformed SPO be selected by a suggestion of the opposition. “Having in mind their latest suggestion for a new Head of SPO, I think the opposition is not taking this matter seriously and should not be given the opportunity to select the new SPO Head. Only someone that does not want implementation of justice in our country would suggest a judge who in the past years manipulated the system giving specific cases to judges favourable to the previous government,” Zaev said, commenting on the suggestion of opposition leader Hristijan Mickovski for Judge Vladimir Pancevski to be the new Head of SPO. In meantime, Artan Grubi from DUI promoted a new initiative of his political party for the new Law on Public Prosecution to be adopted by the Parliament with a double (badinter) majority. Grubi also expressed hope that the new head of SPO may be of Albanian ethnicity.